What are you created for?
You were created in a peculiar way for a particular purpose, don't allow criticism tamper with your core. Criticism can either be negative or constructive. To profit from criticism, you need an understanding of your peculiarity and discernment of the type of criticism you are receiving. 1 Peter 2:9(NIV) But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. You must know that you are; 1. Chosen for a unique assignment 2. You are a priest in your capacity 3. Like Abraham, you are created to birth holy seeds that will produce a holy Nation. 4. You are God's special breed; with a different model to others. 5. Your existence should bring praise to God An understanding of your identity and uniqueness will help you run your own race devoid of competition There’s a saying out there that "every mallam with im...